Hi everyone!

Come join us for our popular INVESTOR KIDS Workshops.

They will take place over 3 Sundays in March (March 14th, 21st and 28th) in Calliope, Qld.

From 10am to 2pm. Bring your lunch!

If you miss a day, you can catch back with the online version.

The workshops are an introduction on how to Compound Wealth from a young age. We have taught this to our own boys very early on (age 6) and they’re extremely successful at it (it’s so much easier when Mum pays the bills!).


 – Why you should start investing yesterday.

 – The weirdest thing about money, wealth, risk, inflation and bubbles.

 – The Smart money vs the Dumb Money.

 –  You will meet Mega-CI, the Ninja Super-Hero of Investing (compound interest).

 – The “Follow Grandma” Method (Asset classes and how to tell if they’re cheap or expensive.)

 – How do you start Passive Income with Zero Money?

 – The safe way to Compound Real Wealth that we personally use.

 – Crypto strategies that nobody else is doing.

– The #1 rule of investing… Hint: it’s not about making money! 

We use games and simulations to keep it interesting. You will earn your own currency (Bootcoin) that you can spend in the auction at the end.

Age is from 10 to 15-ish. Parents can participate too! (free of charge).

Cost is $75 per participant.

Email me at hello@jarrahforest.com (or use the form at the bottom of the page) to book your spot or if you have any questions. Spaces are limited so be quick!



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